A rough translation from Swedish

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Every day the news shows another shocking event.
I collect them in my memory like trading cards.

I've started playing role-playing games again. Just like in my youth.


We are a group of middle-aged men that fantasize our way through almost impossible situations. I don't know if it's escapism, entertainment, or preparation for an uncertain future.

We have all lived through the digital revolution in different ways. From when information wanted to be free to the contemporary monopolization and surveillance of every digital step we take.

I’m paralyzed by fear. Are we living at a breaking point? Is this a time the future will look back on? Will they ask how we could allow the dismantling of the welfare society, how we could not act on the climate, and the endless greed of our time.

Is it all a horror game far beyond the gaming table and us middle-aged men who meet for six hours to get away from the real world.


It's February 2025.
Try to remember how we ended up here. Not at this After Work with colleagues who have now gone home. I mean here in history.

I am at the age of responsibility. What happens now is what we will be held accountable for in the future.

Is this a future history book?

Is it to me that the youth of the future ask the question "Why didn't you do anything?"
Is it their whispering voices that I hear as I sit and draw?