This is when the teacher becomes the stage for the participants to act out their educational operas. Objectify the masters!
Objectification, staged body, body as stage, Baroque
You will learn how to use different forms of stages or classrooms in your art and education. You will also be introduced to a subjective and blurred baroque history and a contemporary way of Baroque thinking.
###Ha Mig Va Mig Ta Mig - Have Me Take Me Be Me
The stage this year is not a place but a person.
Educational situations are often staged by a teacher standing in a defined space telling the students what to do (a classroom of some sort). This workshop turns the situation round, instead the participants use the teacher as material and as the classroom. In the workshop the teachers body is used as the stage where the educational situation take place. This is a workshop that uses objectification as an educational method.
This specific workshop takes its start from the opera The Coronation of Poppea.
Divide the participants into three groups based on the three virtues from the opera: Fortune-Virtue-Cupid.
Each group gets a set of Baroque trading cards.
Start with short lecture, give examples of different ways to make an entrance and how to exit. Show and tell the students, with the help of the cards and the virtues they have transformed into, that they now will create a show by using (you) the teacher as stage and material. The show are also to teach the audience about the baroque era and the opera The Coronation of Poppea. Tell them that they must become OPERA, to be theatrical and to use large gestures. Tell them to allow the costumes they create for the show to give directions. At the end of the show, or lesson, the participants will have new tools for understanding what and how a stage or class room can be, and how to use it. They will also know some baroque history and have been introduced to a merge between a contemporary way of using education and a Baroque way of thinking.
Helping key words:
Power and powerless, to be in control and losing it. Creating expectations, struggle between feelings, intellect and reason, control and out of control, freedom and captivity.
BAROQUE = unwieldy, unnatural, inflated, tangled, overworked, ugly, excessive, irregular.
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