A workshop of looking, longing and dancing. The workshop uses dance as a method and initiator for two groups to slowly become one.



Dance, sweat, group, fusion, teaching 



Performance is a way to gain practice-based knowledge, with a huge potential to strengthen the reason why we are doing what we are doing. You will gain a sensual understanding of what performativity and becoming can be, by using performance methods, in this example through a group dance session.


###Teach Through Sweat

Two student groups from two different university courses were asked to meet at a studio for a three-hour educational workshop. One group had a week before the workshop been asked to prepare something that they would teach the other group. They were free to come up with anything they wanted to teach, as long as it was pos-sible to do inside the room while dancing, and did not take more than an hour. The second group were secretly invited to come to the studio one hour before the other group. When they arrived at the studio they were divided into two new groups and introduced to the song Liebe auf den Ersten Blick by the band DAF. They were asked to create a choreography for a dance that they later would introduce and teach to the other group. When the other group arrived at the party had already started and the song played loud over and over on re-peat. They were also divided into two new groups. The different groups were introduced to each other and positioned in two circles, where the first and second groups were mixed. A friendly battle started between the groups trying to teach each other either the secret or the dance. After two hours of non-stop dancing, teaching and sweating to the same song the workshop came to an end, everyone took a seat, had some water and rested.

It is important to use all senses, taste, smell, touch, hearing, seeing and looking, as well as improvisation, nonsense and imagination to animate what we learn. Performance is a way to gain practice-based knowledge, with a huge potential to strengthen the reason why we are doing what we are doing. By using different aspects of per-formance it is possible to open for a variety of existential reasons for different educational situations, such as to create happiness, feelings of fulfillment, passion and curiosity.


Thank you everyone who took part in the workshop at SKOGEN, Göteborg, Sweden 12 November 2013, part of the event Performing the Archive Skogen Yearbook 2013


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