This publication are under the process of becoming and will be published after the: **Diffracting time through performativity, madness and bastardization** tour. 
December 4-12 the Performance Faculty Group **P?'f?:m(?)ns ** (Univ. of Gothenburg) invite you to three performances and extended lunch seminars in Santa Cruz, San Francisco and New York. In New York, the 10 of December, the **P?'f?:m(?)ns **group temporary will merge with the release for the distribution channel **CHRONICLE:Quest**

Diffracting time through performativity, madness and bastardization

Madness and the Bastard in Motion: Learning /Teaching through Performance Studies.

We are the love child of passion formulated out of wedlock, the illegitimate child, the blender of flavors practices, careers, life's and everyday experiences. This is a taste of the future, a new smoothie, a place for emerging professions and other ways of doing. This is the result of lovemaking between art, performance and education. We are the bastard, we are what might be recognized and celebrated tomorrow, but for now must be the experiment, the ones who ask the questions, the ones who deal with uncertainty. We are a bastardized form of education, art and teaching that ask the question: is it teaching through performance studies?